Yes, all these costs and then just about everything that follows in Bayats piece should produce red flags about the crypto origin story. As a general picture of crypto, Levine brilliantly covers the broad brush strokes, but something about the shading leaves me deeply uneasy. Relevant criticisms are omitted, misplaced, and generally diluted by a torrent of prose, making it all too easy for readers to drown their doubts in the bathtub. A decent rule of thumb is that all cryptocurrency exchanges are doing crimes, and if youre lucky your exchange is doing only process crimes. Many many pallets. Initially, it stated the tender offer price was considered the best price that can be expected, noting that its hard to say whether it will reach a level that can be clearly recommended to shareholders. Recall how Donald Trump loved to say that his net worth was simply what he thought it was at any given moment on any given day. Instead, Levine legitimizes cryptos market cap, its centralized exchanges, and even the biggest scammiest elephant in the room, Tether. I got it then and I get it now, when someone promises high yield and Virtually no risk losing your $ isnt a risk, its a certainty if you dont get out in time. Thats close to a 4% chance. Often those stories are interesting and illuminating and, especially, funny., The articles final judgement echoes the liturgical refrain weve heard shouted down to us from cryptos pulpits and rarefied peaks for over a decade. Even if shareholders dont seem too enthused about the terms, best to take your money and call it a day.. Bloomberg Surveillance, covering the latest news in finance, economics and investments. A $15 Billion Buyout? you can also get the Money Stuff articles as an It Needs a Net, Trumps Tale of Two Cities: The Worst of Times. The language was then amended to say it was a reasonable exit opportunity for investors to recover their capital. million dollars. Imagine colluding with the only grocery store in town to raise prices. The store owner needs to justify price increases to the Mayor, so instead of arbitrarily raising prices, you agree to use monopoly money to buy groceries and increase demand. More money chasing after a finite amount of groceries increases the price (fraudulently and arbitrarily), and you and the owner split the excess fiat profits. The store owner has plausible deniability, you have a bunch of free money, and the public is left holding the grocery bag. A major value of crypto was putting a smiley alternative face on the looting of Third World people, sucking in people who would not otherwise have been suckered because these were the smart kids who could read English. I continue have major dubiety over crypto. Youre missing the point of the whole thing. Over many centuries a financial system grew up, as an adjunct to the real world. Really clever, technically dense, and yet funny in the right places also. Archive. value of the other 80% spike it makes my head swim. Of course they could be lying, but in This browser is out of date so some features on this site might break. Still, it has a high and fluctuating market price; people have gotten rich buying Bitcoin. Any product can be built into scams, regulations in general are only as good as smart peoples morales. Lack of regulation means that exchanges can lend to customers to create leveraged positions and then use inside information to front run their clients and liquidate them. Bloomberg's web site requires a subscription but Im reminded now seeing an article somewhere, a couple years ago showing those hideous Ape-coins NFTs or whatever you call them (fungible tokens?) Crypto and blockchain are not innovations. Yes, crypto came out of a libertarian rebellion against traditional money and banking regimes Heres What HSBC Is Getting in Its 1SVB UK Deal, At 200 Billion, Hermes Surfs Luxury Boom to Surpass Novartis, IMF Economist Who Foresaw 2008 Crisis Expects MoreBankTroubles, Jim ONeill Says UK Treasury Needs Imagination to Spur Growth, Pakistan Moves Closer to IMF Loan After Riyadh Commits Funds, ADM TargetsGut Health in Partnership With Startup Brightseed, Seven-Elevens Owner Says New Committee to Review Spinoffs, IPOs, Apples $165 Billion Cash Hoard Creates M&A Mirages, Nervous Investors Drive VC Funding for Startups Down 55%, C3.aiCEO Tom Siebel Calls Short-Seller Report Stock Price Manipulation, Tunisia Leader Rejects IMFs Diktats, Preaches Self-Reliance, Pakistan Government Lawmakers Reject Top Court Order on Polls, Investors Seen Pouring $1.5 Trillion More Into the Safest Money Funds, Barclays Says, BofA Urges Bankers to Take New Roles Focusing On Smaller Deals, Owen Wilsons New Movie Paint Needs Some Serious Touchups: Review, Patek Philippes Thierry Stern OnWhat Comes After the Nautilus, Its Tax Season! Solar installation projects are not related to our primary operations billion company whose only business so far is doing odd jobs around It seems a little ungrateful? Lets start with Coinbase. Very much appreciated. but calling them to say a disaster is coming, sell a tiny bit! But heavyweight hedge funds couldonly go so far., It wont get much better. Ive listened to pundits on youtube describe, there is clear evidence FTX was largely Money and stuff. Crypto is just a way for outsiders to get a cut. Not trying to pick on your kids here and I know that even my own daughter does not appreciate the value of money in terms of how it may not always be there. So you can take my explanation of market cap and cash flow as a general statement. levine matt bloomberg twitter Crypto exchanges are companiesCoinbase, Gemini, Binance, FTX, Kraken, and Bitfinex are some big onesthat accept regular money for crypto. Thank you. Instead of being incentivized to make something useful that people want to use, crypto is costly, it demands value from users. The incentive for economic agents in such a system is to onboard as many participants as possible while doing as little real work as is required. Rather than supply side incentives for the production of positive economic output, we get weird distributed corporate bonds (tokens) where, in the case of PoW, the invested value is destroyed instead of transferred to a corporation (as with PoS). Thats plainly absurd. Its not insider trading if you dont (The SEC levine columnist journalism How is the gain made? JIP was the only legally binding (and essentially real) proposal Toshiba received. Yes, my two millennial children believe there is no such thing as intrinsic value or worth. Speculators and industry insiders are still trying to onboard fiat liquidity so that they can steal even more from the public. and cash, whenever i can. The ever-present opportunity to buy out shareholders and take over the company prevents the total value from dropping too much below some notion of its fundamental value. A neutral piece on crypto that uses industry talking points and propaganda isnt much different than a puff piece. FTX plainly and deliberately attacked its position. NFTs are discussed after that. At least the likenesss etched on our paper money are pretty good certainly in comparison. It will become your go-to video to share with the yet-to-be-roused, I assure you! Levine identifies whats good for the economy and he points out that crypto doesnt do these good things, but he never manages connect the two facts and just say out loud that crypto is bad for the economy and for the civilization that depends on people doing useful things. The Crypto Story is a comprehensive tour de force and an excellent general overview of cryptos past and present, however, its view on cryptos future is at best naive, and at worst potentially harmful to the unaware. Despite all of Levines warnings, mockery, and colourful language, the failure to identify and highlight crypto disinformation puts those unfamiliar with the industrys fundamental flaws at risk. Though I do not think Levine intended it, his portrayal of crypto as the early days of an innovative new technology could cause members of the public to invest money into an industry whose collapse is inevitable. But IIRC, their liabilities exceed assets. Ive been musing on how this particular characteristic might sustain crypto. We airfreighted billions in bills to Iraq. shareholders found out they sued? Any other offers are likely to draw the process out for a lot longer and adding years to this drama is the last thing investors need, especially as Toshibas financial health shows few signs of improvement. JIP and its partnersdidnt just show up to rescue it they were courted. levine hi @mattelvine It would be great if you could link to the web version of the newsletter, or even to particular parts of it, from within the email version. His column discusses current events in corporate finance and markets, with an insightful, nuanced lens and a dry wit. I must confess to finding Levine maddening. Crypto is entirely speculative, people mine or buy digital tokens because they think they can profit. Valuations of projects and their associated tokens are speculative and exist outside of controls that connect them to productive economic output. Levine uses some version of the word speculation 15 times in the article, but only once as a very strong unequivocal criticism: It turns out that crypto is basically a speculative asset and that its not particularly a hedge for stock market volatility.. It is a $13 VIEW SAMPLE. But theres no realization that crypto is a weaponization of the forces in our economy that extract value without providing meaningful utility. The truth is that society is impoverished when we allow monopoly rents to be extracted by the already fabulously wealthy. Rampant economic inequality destroys aggregate societal wealth. My impression at the time was nothing of real value could come out of such silly nonsense. Perhaps Levine isnt credulous or too attached to the existing narrative and is simply talking his book here? from me is a good defense! are doing one last job, specifically installing solar panels at Prior to that, she was an investment banker in New York and London, More stories like this are available on If you follow the newsletter, you know what the too high because investors thought the companys good performance levine matt investment bankers THAT was excellent. So perhaps the tone here is indeed representative of agendas that need protecting I wonder how many Bloomberg writers hold crypto? etc. I would add gambling to the pea pod along with crypto. WebMatt Levine (born 1978) is a columnist for Bloomberg News covering finance and business. The following youtube video about NFTs has received ongoing praise for the clarity and intelligence of its expose. If a bank with good assets is facing a liquidity crunch, it can go to the central bank and say we have $200 of assets but we cant get $100 of cash, help, and the central bank will help. This kind of desperation is why State lotteries are popular too, but nobody puts their savings into lottery tickets because it is easy to understand how foolish that would be. Today the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission sued Binance Holdings Ltd., Changpeng Zhaos big crypto derivatives exchange, for letting Americans trade crypto derivatives. Matt Levine writes Money Stuff, a brilliant daily financial newsletter on Bloomberg View. They could build railroads or semiconductor factories or electric cars, because they could raise money from strangers to fund their activities. The presenter makes a great observation, along the lines of; Cryptocurrency does a terrible job of solving the inherent problems of existing financial structures or mechanisms, and the things it does well are only useful for addressing the problems cryptocurrency introduces.. Matt Levines witty and engaging The Crypto Story ultimately fails to grasp cryptos fatal flaw. He comes perilously close to revelation, but frustratingly remains mired in illusions and disinformation that have been internalized by the public. Levine, at length, paints the portrait of a new economic frontier. Though early settlers may occasionally be bushwhacked by blockchain bandits on the prairies of digital finance, crypto is blazing a brave new trail westward into untamed lands. in the hours before its bankruptcy may be my favorite of all time. (And it will charge interest.) Those celebrity ads in last years Super Bowl, and the wave of television marketing since, have given evidence that the crypto grift had its sights on the folks at the bottom of the heap, those desperate for an escape from the clutches of financial capitalists. Easy, unload 20% of your contracts at a bizarre low price, to make the That is what is giving me most pain now. Thats why you have major players rushing to announce how much money they lost. While market cap is a useful measurement in the world of equities because cash flow is tethered to real world utility, crypto has no such anchor. Token price is supported by the belief that you can fob off your magic beans to someone else for more than you paid for them. Market cap in the world of crypto is blisteringly stupid as its impossible to measure what supports it: the willingness of people to buy a useless speculative digital token that doesnt even qualify as an asset. This too is debatable, since the transactions are all public and traceable. The agency noted in a report last month that the conglomerates financial situation will materially deteriorate if the process is implemented. You might as well just wait until there are more users. NASA is sending a probe, called Europa Clipper, to investigate the potential habitability of one of these ocean worlds. A Medicaid Catastrophe Is Looming. said no.). By. WebMatt Levine writes Money Stuff, a brilliant daily financial newsletter on Bloomberg View. If thats the case, its understandable. I gotta study the Levine piece in detail before rendering any rational opinions. So, Im guessing those ape cartoon tokens may be connected to some digital gaming for their value? They are supported by enormous infusions of outside money. Levine took several months off in 2020 for parental leave after the birth of his second child. A statistical examination [7] that Levine cited in Money Stuff [8] showed that his newsletter has been released 4 minutes later each month since 2015 and has gotten progressively longer over time. levine matthew divided notes house composer songwriter winning award Thanks Yve and commentariat. But the important point is that sophisticated modern finance was built up, step by step, from the real world. Heres what I think happened there, the best I can tell and greatly simplified. Mr. Levine has been critical of crypto, however, it is his credibility and public reputation that make his acceptance of crypto misinformation and talking points more dangerous. dip price. Car payments are $1,000 for a lot of consumers. basis. Just How Dangerous Are Indias Generic Drugs? Theres even a campaign of political bribery (lobbying) attempting to loosen regulation so new fiat in-flows can be created. Theres no mention of this, instead its implied that the blaze of crypto winter had scoured away the rot in the industry. Usually I would roll my eyes and move on, but combined with other issues and omissions, it makes me think Matts perspective on crypto is deeply flawed. Has there ever been a pure liquidity problem at a crypto firm? But for these derivative futures, the price could in Theres also a kind of elitism involved. My goal is to convince you that crypto is interesting, that it has found some new things to say about some old problems, and that even when those things are wrong, theyre wrong in illuminating ways.. Waiting for that Too-Much-Discussed Ukraine Counteroffensive, The GOPs Big Bold Plan to Bring Back Child Labor, How Union Workers Are Fighting to Save Americas Beleaguered Health Care System, Warning Lights Flashing Red for Italian Economy, Your Political Rivals Arent as Bad as You Think Heres How Misunderstandings Amplify Hostility, The Shambolic Criminal Case Against Donald Trump, The Only Crypto Story You Need? Closer reading of the late March press releases announcing the tender offer show the disappointing deal is really the only one available. Anjani Trivedi is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. If I accept deposits in a fake currency (Tether) and consider those deposits to be equivalent to fiat, then Im not breaking any laws. Better yet, I dont have to worry about real cash deposits needed to pump my scam and I dont have to move fiat around when wash trading. So Tether fulfils the function of maximizing deposits as well. Not only does it create synthetic liquidity, but by manipulating the prices of tokens skyward, Tether helps create fiat inflows from new suckers. Is anyone else reminded of Galbraiths bezzle? Not least among them the belief that blockchain has desirable properties as a database, the idea that blockchain or crypto is somehow useful for video games, the quoting Polegs technological pseudo profundity to imply that there are web3 use cases, or the implication that crypto fraud isnt THAT effective when its managed to fund the DPRKs nuclear weapons program. They From Doomberg, on Substack last January I think. They probably have the money, more or less, but they seem to be going out of their way to seem untrustworthy. Toshiba approached JIP through a financial adviser in April last year to participate in the bidding process,after the likes of Bain Capital, KKR & Co. and CVC Capital Partners had done the rounds. But the broad strokes are all there. She covers industrials including policies and firms in the machinery, automobile, electric vehicle and battery sectors across Asia Pacific. There are no accusations that Binance is stealing customer money, or even taking big risks with it, which makes Binance look better than some other crypto exchanges I could name. With so many exceptional hands tilling cryptos fertile soil, you should pay attention, the future of finance may be blossoming as we speak. Crypto matters, not only for what it teaches us, but for what it might become. ], [ Addendum 20221204: This article about the balance sheet circulated by FTX be worth more because the counterparties have contracted to buy at the Theres a reason that the top adopters of crypto live in places such as Nigeria, Vietnam, the Philippines, Trkiye, and Peru. His newsletter, Money Stuff, is one of the most popular on Wall Street with over 150k subscribers. ], [ Addendum 20210207: Money Stuff is back. indeed, I wouldnt be surprised if crypto wasnt started by an intelligence organization, Check out the 1996 NSA white paper How to make a Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Digital Cash. The whole point is to keep the scam running for as long as possible. Duration drives credibility, and credibility drives recruitment. More suckers means more money, which means greater returns, which means more people, which means more money and voil. A beautiful positive feedback loop of value is created. To sustain it we must minimize withdrawals and maximize deposits. If only we werent subject to the limitations of fiat currency that are imposed by reality and the demands for cold hard cash. Enter Tether, stage left. instance, controversially dumped about 0.6% of her portfolio at It is ironic that a centralized exchange that did nothing according to good principles of morality and what crypto (essence) is about should lead to the collapse of the sector. I write a lot about people who have gotten in trouble with the SEC or the levine @matt_levine + Get alerts for Matt Levine A decent rule of thumb is that all cryptocurrency exchanges are doing crimes, and if youre lucky your exchange is doing only process crimes. Updated: Dec. 11, 2022 matt levine is a columnist for Bloomberg News covering finance and business. answer will be: Still it is a little weird. Archive - Matt Levine Money and stuff. So people copied that model, and the creation of and speculation on pure, abstract, scarce electronic tokens became a big business. He later went on to become an investment banker for Goldman Sachs, where he structured and marketed corporate equity derivatives for four years. Levine was also a law clerk for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit. From the Heisenberg Report: In the wake of the FTX fiasco, much of the breathless crypto coverage emanating from the financial media (mainstream, alternative and otherwise), seems to intentionally avoid addressing the elephant in the room. The crypto system has attracted a lot of smart people who want to solve these problems, in part because theyre intellectually interesting problems and in part because solving them will make these people rich.. Ponzi schemes in general overcome that problem with obscurity. Surely everyone got the memo that you need to watch your wallet? On the other hand, I enjoy Matts writing, and some of his insights are valuable and informative, one of my favorites is from the section on trust: Crypto is in a way about rejecting the institutions of society, about being trustless and censorship-resistant. classified coronavirus-related intelligence that she received in her trade; if your investment manager sold your stocks without input The discussion was factual and And if you add in one assumption, which is looking like a fact, its not hard to see why. levine was more legitimate and sustainable than it was, etc., but the Which makes me scratch my head as to why he cant call the industry on their bullshit in so many other cases. Speculation, market cap, exchanges, front running, wash trading, Tether, these are just a few of the things that are wrong with the article, but theres so much more. Also fractional shares and new-issue platforms. Matt Levine. This quote comes almost 9/10ths of the way into the article and is given within the context of Terra, one of the industrys most obvious and famous grifts. Why is the most forceful statement about speculation made in the context of Kwon artists? When discussing speculation in relation to Bitcoin words like might be and big business are used. This characterization seems odd to me. If this is The Only Crypto Story You read, you would be forgiven for thinking that the issue of speculative mania applies more to web3 than it does to Bitcoin or Ethereum. I saw a tweet (forget who) that explained this with one diagram: a box marked crypto with an arrow to a box marked fiat with another arrow going back to the crypto box. August 7, 2020, 3:59 PM UTC. It is a bracing read in the present day, standing as it does for a remarkable lack of progress, particularly in the United States, which seems to be the crucible of such matters. If youd like to get Money Stuff in handy email form, right in your inbox, please subscribe at this link. shareholders to sue? Not only does he understand that providing utility to a market is what underpins value, but Levine even identifies HOW crypto undermines productive economic output. Its network effects have NOTHING to do with being useful, and everything to do with demanding money up front! And when they open the door to smaller investors out of the goodness of their hearts the game is in its last innings. The U.S. Doesnt Trust China Audits. Matt is not as well informed as he should be about crypto. I dont know crypto. There is even an RSS. Investors may as well take what they can getwhile theres an option available lest JIP and friends have buyers remorse. The deal could potentially stumble if a minimum two-thirds of the shares arent tendered a required threshold for the transaction to go through. Yes. Thats because the industrys market cap was and still is a lie. Crypto market cap is fictional, its not analogous to market capitalization for equities. While the calculation is the same, share (token) price * # of shares (tokens) = market cap, token and share prices are determined in vastly different ways. Unlike tokens, share price is supported by a companys underlying cash flow. Sound about right to anyone else, or am I missing something? It's thought that many planetary bodies in our solar system contain liquid water deep below their icy surfaces. Toshiba Corp. finally looks like it has a path forward with one of Japans biggest-ever leveraged buyouts on the table. Money levine WeWork and Uber do have assets, OTOH, even if they amount to a tiny fraction of their nominal valuations, so those shares have an inherent value. Capital Allocators Inside the Institutional Investment Industry. Days before the announcement, one of Toshibas largest shareholders, 3D Investment Partners Ltd., cutits stake from 7.2% to4.9%. However, I would say we can include these behaviors the negative economic activity column. and since im not a tech person, things like blockchain and nfts always seemed ridiculous and overly complex, to me(complexity hides the knife/hand in yer pocket). Stocks are governed by a legal and regulatory framework that incents the production of positive economic output (utility). Publicly traded companies have requirements around financial disclosure, auditing, governance and must demonstrate existing, or future potential, cash flow. The rules provide a reasonable guarantee that you arent being scammed and that useful work is occurring. Thanks to this regulation, share price, and hence market cap, for a stock is justified because the companys current or potential cash flow supports it. There is an underlying connection between cash flow and the utility provided to the market. This is why a companys market cap is roughly equivalent to what its worth. Its not hard to find buyers for an undervalued stock with solid earnings, investors like dividends. We give labels and fail to separate the wheat from the chaff, or the apple from the grocery store. But even in the 19th century it was recognized the problem of people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing. Thank you all. A weak legal promise is not a purely speculative bet. ], [Other articles in category /ref] His column discusses current events in corporate finance and markets, with an insightful, nuanced lens and a dry wit. And firms in the room, Tether Levine writes money Stuff, a brilliant daily financial newsletter on Bloomberg.. To pundits on youtube describe, there is clear evidence FTX was largely money and Stuff being and... The problem of people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing is back is,. It makes my head swim, auditing, governance and must demonstrate existing, or future potential, cash and. 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