Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. The victory over France in 1871 expanded Prussian hegemony in the German states (aside from Austria) to the international level. The ensuing furor has been dubbed by historians as the Hohenzollern candidature. Its basic, and equally grandiose idea, was that, as the French Revolution of 1789 had enlarged the concept of individual liberty, another revolution would now be needed for national liberty; and his vision went further because he hoped that in the no doubt distant future free nations might combine to form a loosely federal Europe with some kind of federal assembly to regulate their common interests. [123], For the 1871 ceremonial event marking completion of unification, see, Administrative areas after the unification of the, Dissolution of the Old Empire by the Napoleonic Continental System, Rise of German nationalism under Napoleon, Congress of Vienna and the rise of German dualism, Emergence of liberal nationalism and conservative response, German revolutions and Polish uprising of 184849, The aborted 184849 German Empire in retrospective analysis, Problem of spheres of influence: The Erfurt Union and the Punctation of Olmtz, External expectations of a unified Germany, Peace of Prague and the North German Confederation, Unified Italy and Austro-Hungarian Compromise, Open hostilities and the disastrous end of the Second French Empire, War as the capstone of the unification process, Internal political and administrative unification, Historical arguments and the Empire's social anatomy, Beyond the political mechanism: forming a nation, Although the Prussian army had gained its reputation in the. Om. The widespreadmainly Germanrevolutions of 184849 sought unification of Germany under a single constitution. Played 22 times. However, proponents of Kleindeutsch, Lesser Germany, argued that Austria should be excluded from unification due to dynastic rivalry between the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs and the cultural differences between a mostly Protestant Prussia and Catholic Austria. One of the former Frankfurt Parliament members, Johann Gustav Droysen, summed up the problem: We cannot conceal the fact that the whole German question is a simple alternative between Prussia and Austria. [114] In the new German nation, a Kulturkampf (187278) that followed political, economic, and administrative unification attempted to address, with a remarkable lack of success, some of the contradictions in German society. [24] As he had done in 1819, after the Kotzebue assassination, Metternich used the popular demonstration at Hambach to push conservative social policy. This sheet contains the Summer Assignments and introduces you to the material we will be studying next year The Textbooks: Spielvogel, Jackson J. With the exception of the years 18721873 and 18921894, the imperial chancellor was always simultaneously the prime minister of the imperial dynasty's hegemonic home-kingdom, Prussia. Meanwhile, the liberals in the Frankfurt assembly saw German unity as a process of negotiation that would lead to the distribution of power among the many parties. The possibility of German (or Italian) unification would overturn the overlapping spheres of influence system created in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna. However, central Europe's heterogeneous population meant that creating any "natural" type of Germany would be virtually impossible. This German dualism presented two solutions to the problem of unification: Kleindeutsche Lsung, the small Germany solution (Germany without Austria), or Grodeutsche Lsung, the greater Germany solution (Germany with Austria), ultimately settled in favor of the former solution in the Peace of Prague. Although it was 6 kilometers (3.7mi) long and only operated in daylight, it proved both profitable and popular. Public opinion also opposed Prussian domination. Due in part to the shared experience, albeit under French dominance, various justifications emerged to identify "Germany" as a potential future single state. The principal architects of this convention, Metternich, Castlereagh, and Tsar Alexander (with his foreign secretary Count Karl Nesselrode), had conceived of and organized a Europe balanced and guaranteed by four "great powers": Great Britain, France, Russia, and Austria, with each power having a geographic sphere of influence. [52] This new argument further challenges the norms of the British-centric model of development: studies of national development in Britain and other "normal" states (e.g., France or the United States) have suggested that even in these cases, the modern nation-state did not develop evenly. [85], The Peace of Prague offered lenient terms to Austria but its relationship with the new nation-state of Italy underwent major restructuring. The traditional view, promulgated in large part by late 19th- and early 20th-century pro-Prussian historians, maintains that Bismarck's intent was always German unification. Although today, the four parts of the Ring Cycle operas, Das Rheingold (The Rhine Gold), Die Walkur (The Valkyries), Sigfried, and Gtterdammerung (The Twilight of the Gods), are performed as separate pieces, Wagner composed them as part of a single piece and insisted that they be performed on successive nights. A liberal professor, historian, and theologian, and generally a titan among late 19th-century scholars, Mommsen served as a delegate to the Prussian House of Representatives from 1863 to 1866 and 1873 to 1879; he also served as a delegate to the Reichstag from 1881 to 1884, for the liberal German Progress Party (Deutsche Fortschrittspartei) and later for the National Liberal Party. [6] The creation of student militias such as the Ltzow Free Corps exemplified this tendency. History. William, crowned King Wilhelm I in 1861, appointed Otto von Bismarck to the position of Minister-President of Prussia in 1862. [59], Other nationalists had high hopes for the German unification movement, and the frustration with lasting German unification after 1850 seemed to set the national movement back. [94], Napoleon III had tried to secure territorial concessions from both sides before and after the Austro-Prussian War, but despite his role as mediator during the peace negotiations, he ended up with nothing. Revolutionaries associated national unification with progress. Wilhelm refused to give such an encompassing statement, and he sent Bismarck a dispatch by telegram describing the French demands. Second, the unification of Italy provided Prussia an ally against Austria in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. He fled his U.S. Army post in the 1950s in danger of reprisals for his left-wing activities at Harvard and in Buffalo, New York. Chapter 19 AP Euro DRAFT. Luther and Qin both lived in a society filled with disunity and corruption, hence why both decided to make a change. German Unification Before 1870 Economic success, political failure, and diplomatic tension marked the idea of a unified Germany in the period after the Napoleonic Wars. The engagement resulted in a decisive victory for the Coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, and Sweden. . A broad investigation into the problem of creating a German national identity outside of Prussia. He then hoped that Austria would join in a war of revenge and that its former alliesparticularly the southern German states of Baden, Wrttemberg, and Bavariawould join in the cause. My three part lecture on German Unification covers the complete unification process, starting with the failure of liberal nationalism after the Revolutions of 1848 and then focusing on Otto von Bismarck's domestic and foreign policies that put Prussia at the helm of a unified German state through the shrewd application of realpolitik . It also required a rethinking of political, social, and cultural behaviors and the construction of new metaphors about "us" and "them". Denis Mack Smith (editor). In 1806, after a successful invasion of Prussia and the defeat of Prussia at the joint battles of Jena-Auerstedt 1806 during the War of the Third Coalition, Napoleon dictated the Treaty of Pressburg which included the formal dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and the abdication of Emperor Francis II from the nominal reign over it. Agitation by student organizations led such conservative leaders as Klemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich, to fear the rise of national sentiment. [17] In this context, one can detect its roots in the experience of Germans in the Napoleonic period. After the revolutions of 1848 there were increasing ties between nationalism and conservatism, The Mecklenburgs joined in 1867, while Bremen and Hamburg joined in 1888. Many of the problems related to poverty (such as illness, overcrowded housing, unemployment, school absenteeism, refusal to learn German, etc.) [38], The Bavarian Ludwig Railway, which was the first passenger or freight rail line in the German lands, connected Nuremberg and Frth in 1835. [10], After Napoleon's defeat, the Congress of Vienna established a new European political-diplomatic system based on the balance of power. While the liberals failed to achieve the unification they sought, they did manage to gain a partial victory by working with the German princes on many constitutional issues and collaborating with them on reforms. . Grand speeches, flags, exuberant students, and picnic lunches did not translate into a new political, bureaucratic, or administrative apparatus. Bismarck was also confronted with problems from religious minorities in Germany, especially from Catholics and Jews. Kaplan, in particular, pp. Sheehan, pp. In this unit, there are two big pieces of content to cover: the unification of Italy and German, as well as New Imperialism. Bismarck's response to the Lower House was his famous "iron and blood" speech. What did they stand for? Von Roon and William (who took an active interest in military structures) began reorganizing the Prussian army, while Moltke redesigned the strategic defense of Prussia by streamlining operational command. For the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, The first, original, and truly natural boundaries of states are beyond doubt their internal boundaries. [75], The debate over the proposed national constitution became moot when news of Italian troop movements in Tyrol and near the Venetian border reached Vienna in April 1866. We need a nation courageous enough to give us a lead in this direction. Finally, as Prussian military capacity far exceeded that of Austria, Prussia was clearly the only state within the Confederation (or among the German states generally) capable of protecting all of them from potential interference or aggression. Harvey, David Allen. ultimate guide to Euro 2020, epic interviews with the stars, plus the UK and Ireland dream team and also discover everything you need to know about Messi, Ronaldo, Kane, Salah, Mbappe, Maguire, Hazard, Pogba and all the other top footballers. The king of Prussia as emperor and Bismarck as chancellor had complete authority over foreign affairs and the army. Who were the new members of this new nation? Constructing Class and Nationality in Alsace, 1830-1945. Early in his career, Wagner identified with the socialist movement and supported the Revolution of 1848 in Germany. The German Empire became," in Karl Marx's words, a military despotism cloaked in parliamentary forms with a feudal ingredient, influenced by the bourgeoisie, festooned with bureaucrats and guarded by police. Indeed, many historians would see Germany's escape into war in 1914 as a flight from all of the internal-political contradictions forged by Bismarck at Versailles in the fall of 1870. Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:38, accession of South German states and constitutional adoption of the name German Empire, Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Constitution of the German Confederation (1871), dissolution of its dominant founding federated state, August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Helmuth von Moltke the Elder Moltke's Theory of War, Modern History Sourcebook: Documents of German Unification,, Kocka, Jrgen and Mitchell, Allan. Industrialists and merchants thus brought liberal politics into German nationalism. The Wars of Unification resulted in the annexation of large populations of non-German speakers, such as Danes in Schleswig and French in Alsace-Lorraine. [21], The Hambach Festival (Hambacher Fest) in May 1832 was attended by a crowd of more than 30,000. [22] Promoted as a county fair,[23] its participants celebrated fraternity, liberty, and national unity. Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] Josep R. Llobera and Goldsmiths' College. Consequently, Prussian leaders expected to play a pivotal role in German politics. Blackbourn, David. Utilizing their efficiently laid rail grid, Prussian troops were delivered to battle areas rested and prepared to fight, whereas French troops had to march for considerable distances to reach combat zones. In November 1850, the Prussiansspecifically Radowitz and Frederick Williamagreed to the restoration of the German Confederation under Austrian leadership. [14] As Maria Theresa and Joseph tried to restore Habsburg hegemony in the Holy Roman Empire, Frederick countered with the creation of the Frstenbund (Union of Princes) in 1785. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995. In 1866, most mid-sized German states had opposed Prussia, but by 1870 these states had been coerced and coaxed into mutually protective alliances with Prussia. AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2008 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Question 4 Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and Germany, respectively. This controversy, the latest phase of the German dualism debate that had dominated the politics of the German states and Austro-Prussian diplomacy since the 1701 creation of the Kingdom of Prussia, would come to a head during the following twenty years. [9] This interpretation became a key building block of the Borussian myth expounded by the pro-Prussian nationalist historians later in the 19th century. However, in 1876 the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), a Marxist party of workers, was formed. For a summary of this argument, see David Blackbourn, and Geoff Eley. [105] "Einheit unity was achieved at the expense of Freiheit freedom. Document A Historian R. R. Palmer, on German unification, 2002 Gradually, as we have seen, the Germans became dissatisfied with their position. As a result, Germany after unification was forced to modify and adapt its political situation to accommodate dissenting political opinions and national and religious minorities. For more on this idea, see, for example, Joseph R. Llobera, and Goldsmiths' College. In concert with the newly formed Italy, Bismarck created a diplomatic environment in which Austria declared war on Prussia. The prince withdrew as a candidate, thus defusing the crisis, but the French ambassador to Berlin would not let the issue lie. [79] Complicating the situation for Austria, the Italian mobilization on Austria's southern border required a diversion of forces away from battle with Prussia to fight the Third Italian War of Independence on a second front in Venetia and on the Adriatic sea. Victor Grossman is a journalist from the U.S. now living in Berlin. Kuhne, Thomas. These annexations did not happen, resulting in animosity from Napoleon towards Bismarck. Catholic populations along the Rhineespecially in such cosmopolitan regions as Cologne and in the heavily populated Ruhr Valleycontinued to support Austria. Thus, by 1836, all states to the south of Prussia had joined the Customs Union, except Austria. Catholics comprised almost 40 percent of unified Germany's population, with most of them concentrated along the Rhine River and in Bavaria. If you are using assistive technology and need help accessing these PDFs in another format, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at 212-713-8333 or by email at All the rest of us would eagerly and joyfully follow you." In James Retallack, ed., Saxony in German History: Culture, Society, and Politics, 1830-1933. This experience echoed the memory of mutual accomplishment in the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in the War of Liberation of 181314. Ap euro 21 - lecture notes; Ap euro 23 - lecture notes; Ap euro 24 - lecture notes; Ap euro 25 - lecture notes; Ap euro 26 - lecture notes; . The Long Nineteenth Century: A History of Germany, 1780-1918. [53] Since the end of the 1990s, this view has become widely accepted, although some historians still find the Sonderweg analysis helpful in understanding the period of National Socialism. [118], By the years of unification, German Jews played an important role in the intellectual underpinnings of the German professional, intellectual, and social life. He refused for a variety of reasons. Despite calls for rational thought and action, Italy, Prussia, and Austria continued to rush toward armed conflict. [50], More recent scholarship has rejected this idea, claiming that Germany did not have an actual "distinctive path" any more than any other nation, a historiographic idea known as exceptionalism. The overture to Das Rheingold sets the stage for the audience. Prussian army reforms (especially how to pay for them) caused a constitutional crisis beginning in 1860 because both parliament and Williamvia his minister of warwanted control over the military budget. Why did Wagner's cultural/mythical nationalism yield to Bismarck's policy of Realpolitik? the 9-0, unanimous vote on the court is set to overturn the lower appellate court decision that augustus . [110], The Sonderweg hypothesis attributed Germany's difficult 20th century to the weak political, legal, and economic basis of the new empire. Second, through diplomatic maneuvering, a skilful leader could create an environment in which a rival state would declare war first, thus forcing states allied with the "victim" of external aggression to come to the leader's aid. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to strengthen state control over agriculture and take a spate of other steps to increase grain production . Austria's power meant lack of power for us, whereas Prussia desired German unity in order to supply the deficiencies of her own power. "The role of historical memory in (ethno)nation-building.". emphasized their distinctiveness for not only the Christian Germans, but for the local Jewish populations as well. The dramatic prelude to the war occurred largely in Frankfurt, where the two powers claimed to speak for all the German states in the parliament. Britain's sphere was the rest of the world, especially the seas. 47 and Conclusion. The Burschenschaft student organizations and popular demonstrations, such as those held at Wartburg Castle in October 1817, contributed to a growing sense of unity among German speakers of Central Europe. Bismarck used the nationalist movement to increase Prussia's power and began working to eliminate foreign influence, much like the process of unification in Italy. Further complexity can be created by identifying some as Wagnerian-style romantic nationalists and others as Bismarck-like realpolitik nationalists. The unifications were different. Yet there is a natural undercurrent tending to a national feeling and toward a union of the Germans into one great nation, ruled by one common head as a national unit. [34], As important as these improvements were, they could not compete with the impact of the railway. Western Civilization, since 1300. Although an arch-conservative, Bismarck. G.Wawro. His Kulturkampf, or "struggle for civilization," was an attack on the power of the Catholic Church in Germany. In 1813, Napoleon mounted a campaign in the German states to bring them back into the French orbit; the subsequent War of Liberation culminated in the great Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of Nations. One of the major questions concerning German unification centered on this Prussian-Austrian rivalry, which was both diplomatic and cultural. 52% average accuracy. Unifying various states into one nation required more than some military victories, however much these might have boosted morale. German liberals were justifiably skeptical of this plan, having witnessed Bismarck's difficult and ambiguous relationship with the Prussian Landtag (State Parliament), a relationship characterized by Bismarck's cajoling and riding roughshod over the representatives. He was also an ardent German nationalist.

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